मिति २०८१.१.०३ गतेबाट १.१२ गतेसम्म सञ्चालित माध्यमिक तह कक्षा ११-१२ सामाजिक अध्ययन तथा जीवनोपयोगी सीप र मिति २०८१.६.७ गतेदेखि २०८१.०६.१६ गतेसम्म सञ्चालित आधारभूत तह कक्षा १-५ को शिक्षक पेसागत विकास तालिम नतिजा प्रकाशन
Published Date: 2025-01-12
Education Training Center, Dhulikhel Kavrepalanchok is a leading institution under the Ministry of Social Development of Bagmati Province. It lies about 30 kilometers east of Kathmandu. It is primarily mandated to conduct capacity development activities for school level teachers and other civil personnel according to national curriculum framework and national quality standards. In addition, it conducts research related to curriculum and monitors the implementation of school curriculum.
Education Training Center Dhulikhel was first established in 1996 as one of the nine Primary Teacher Training Centers (PTTCs) under National Center for Educational Development (NCED), which came to exist in 1993 as an apex body for human resource developmnet in the field of education. The center used to conduct various in-service primary teacher training programs.
In 2004, the Secondary Education Center (SEDC) and Distance Education Center (DEC) were merged into the NCED. Likewise, all the PTTCs were renamed as Educational Training Centre-As; and the Secondary Education Development Units (SEDUs) were restructured into 20 Educational Training Center-Bs and the 5 Educational Training Sub-centers. Educational Training Center-A Kabhrepalanchok used to lead ETC-B Kathma
Published Date: 2021-05-01
Published Date: 2021-05-01
Published Date: 2021-05-01